Student Loan Debt… BENEFITS?!

Student Loan Debt… BENEFITS?!

BBQ, Blues and Beale Street aren’t the only things drawing folks to Memphis these days; so are the career benefits. When most of us think of big industry hitters, our minds typically wander to the tech giants of San Francisco, The Wall Street money to be made in...
Famously In Student Loan Debt

Famously In Student Loan Debt

What do you and some of your favorite celebrities have in common? Apparently thousands of dollars in student loan debt. When it comes to seeing those monthly bills rack up after college, just know that you’re not alone. Before they were famous, mega celebs like...
​Debt Collectors = 1 Billion, You = 0

​Debt Collectors = 1 Billion, You = 0

Pop quiz … where does the majority of tax payer funded money currently go towards: helping debt saddled graduates? OR … The debt collectors hired to get that borrowed money back? If you guessed debt collectors, you’re unfortunately right. The U.S. Department of...